
  • Brand Name:Society
  • Technical Name:Propaquizafop 10% EC
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    Label   Leaflet

  • Mode of Action

    Its is a systemic selective post emergence herbicide, Society gets systematically translocated to plant meristems

  • Special Features

    • High content Of surfactant : NO need for external surfactant.
    • Wide spectrum of use : Provides an excellent control of annual & perennial grasses.
    • Fast activity : Quick rain fastness and enhanced fast activity on target weeds.
    • Low application rate: Low application rate for controlling annual grasses.
    • Broad window of application: Society can be applied at 15 to 25 days of crop stage, depending on crop and weed emergence.
    • No Risk to next crop: Society is perfectly safe for next season crop.
    • Safe to environment: LOW leaching. NO soil residue.
  • Recommendation

    Crops Weed Name Formulation ml/ha Water / ha (ltr.)
    Soybean (Glycinemax)
    1. Barnyard Grass
      (Echinochloa Colonum)
      (Echinochloa Crusgalli)
    2. Crab Grass
      (Digitaria Sanguinalis)
    3. Crows Foot Grass
      (Dactyloctenium Aegyptium)
    4. Goose Grass
      (Eleusine Indica)
    500 - 750 500 - 750
    Black Gram (Vignamungo)
    1. Barnyard Grass
      (Echinochloa Colonum)
    2. Crows Foot Grass
      (Dactyloctenium Aegyptium)
    3. Crab Grass
      (Digitaria Sanguinalis)
    4. Goose Grass
      (Eleusine Indica)
    750 - 1000 500 - 750

    Echinochloa Colonum,

    Digiteria Sanguinalis,

    Dactyloctenium Eigyptium,

    Phalaris Minor

    625 500L / ha
  • Time of Application

    Post emergence herbicide.

  • Available Packs

    100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1lit.